
Showing posts from October, 2021


 Wiseman   #1 Due to the global pandemic, many families have been forced to obey restrictive ordinances at the state, provincial and local levels. These mandates were put in place in an effect to counteract the spread of the Covid-19 virus. This has resulted in school closings and some job lay offs, which in turn has increased the time spent at home, while decreasing our time spent alone. Sometimes many of us feel confined and or claustrophobic. Our mates and our children seem 'to get on our nerves'. Our patience, our tolerance has withered away. Irritated and overwhelmed with the gravity of boredom, our normal lives inside our homes with loved ones, has begun to feel physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting. We need a break from them. If you can relate to these feelings, please consider this: Our world spins on its axis once every 24 hours. How special do you feel, to be blessed with the opportunity to ride each revolution with a group of people whom you love and care f

Cancelled Culture

 WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON CANCELLED CULTURE, AND DO YOU FEEL LIKE A PERSON SHOULD BE CANCELLED FOR STANDING ON THEIR TRUTH? Wiseman #1 If a person in a position of influence of notoriety or celebrity, uses inflammatory, disparaging, insulting or offensive language towards a group or class of people based on that groups sexual preference, sexual identity, ethnicity, gender, age or body type. Today, in our current social climate, there is usually a call for that "offender" to be fired, or to be "cancelled. The company and or those corporate entities who have working relationships with the offender, via professionally endorsement deals, they're place under extreme pressure to terminate those contractual relationships with the offender. They all run for cover, fearing that they may be viewed as " guilty by association. " Guilty of prejudice, body shaming, anti-gay, anti-black, anti-women or anti-Jewish learning's. But the ultimate corporate fear is the los

Why do white women seek relationships with incarerated black men?

  FAQ: Why do white women seek relationships with incarcerated black men?   Wiseman #1 Ultimately, only the white female truly knows why she's attracted to the incarcerated Blackman. It's impossible to make an accurate blanket statement or opinion which covers all white women and all black men, as well as the psychological, mental and sociological dynamics within their personal and private relationships. But, if there be a common thread, connecting situations like that, I believe that thread to be the mutual HUMANITY shared between the two. Whether restrained, incarcerated or free, the Blackman is a human being. He feels, thinks, dreams and aspires. He desires, creates and expresses. He has the potential to protect and provide, to be faithful, to learn, to teach and to share life abundantly and harmoniously with a female. He is a possessor of force and power, of resilience and brilliance. The Blackman, like all men, is the masculine expression and manifestation of divinity clot