Wiseman #1

Due to the global pandemic, many families have been forced to obey restrictive ordinances at the state, provincial and local levels. These mandates were put in place in an effect to counteract the spread of the Covid-19 virus. This has resulted in school closings and some job lay offs, which in turn has increased the time spent at home, while decreasing our time spent alone.

Sometimes many of us feel confined and or claustrophobic. Our mates and our children seem 'to get on our nerves'. Our patience, our tolerance has withered away. Irritated and overwhelmed with the gravity of boredom, our normal lives inside our homes with loved ones, has begun to feel physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting. We need a break from them.

If you can relate to these feelings, please consider this: Our world spins on its axis once every 24 hours. How special do you feel, to be blessed with the opportunity to ride each revolution with a group of people whom you love and care for? How wonderful is it to ride the waves of time with your soulmate, with your babies, with your family and friends? Life is so fragile and temporary. Time is so fleeting. The days of our lives are divinely numbered. They are limited. So love those you love, while you can love them. Sit silent and simply breathe with them. Close your eyes and kiss their faces, as there will come a time when our kisses can't be given nor felt. Memorize the sounds of their laughter as our world spins, as we ride time. Good times or bad times is 'still time' shared together, and time spent together is truly a treasure. Be grateful! Focus on the love!
WM #1

Wiseman #2
I have never craved anything like I have craved the closeness of my family, they have always been the joy of my heart. I was taught and shown at a very early age that family are the people that would be there to love and care for me no matter what. So as I grew in age, family was always the most important thing in my life but prior to the pandemic, time and circumstances got in the way of the vision of family for me and those closest to me. We drifted apart and it was so unnoticeable that years would past before I realized that I hadn't talked to this or that person in such a long time. But in my heart and mind, I still loved them dearly.

I could have never imagined that an event such as Covid would happen and give me the opportunity to restore the concept of family that was etched into me when I was younger. This tragic and life altering event has developed in me, a greater appreciation for my family. Although it is hard at times to be confined under the same roof with so many different personalities, I am learning how to see the benefit and not the detriment. I say that because it has been amazing getting to know the very people that I had been estranged from for so long. So in that respect, I have been loving and enjoying this quality time with my family.

Time is so significant, and to be honest, there's not enough of it. Despite the losses I have experienced as the result of this tragic and very painful experience, I have gained the closeness of my family and that has meant everything to me. We have been forced through this lockdown to work through our problems to find resolution and peace going forward so that we would never easily discard family again. We had nowhere to run and hide, so talking, playing games and enjoying each other's company became the norm for us. I have learned things about my family I never knew even though I thought I knew them very well. I took the time to listen whereas before, I was doing all the talking. Developing the patience to build healthy relationships with my family members inside the household and via telephone calls changed the way I saw them. I no longer wanted to be without them!

So for me, I never had thoughts of getting rid of them because of all the chaos, I only wanted to relish in the moments that we were spending together because new memories were being created. So I would advise everyone that reads this to hold those moments dear to your heart because you never know what the world will look like on the other side of this, but you will always know what family will look like because you are there with them. We are creatures of habit so let's work to create the kind of habits that will allow for us to be close with our families regardless of time and circumstances. We need them more than we can possibly know.
WM #2

Wiseman #3
Keeping in mind that 'family' is comprised of people of whom are either genetically related or ideologically related. The operative word being 'People' not necessarily family! With people comes personalities, character, good or bad, nevertheless, the people in some of our families may in fact get on our last nerve (emphasis added).

According to what's reported, it appears that we may (love) our family, but we don't like each other very much! Covid has allowed us to take advantage of spending time (more time) with one another. The 'shelter in place' mandate of early 2020 put us in position to fully envelop ourselves with the fullness of our spouses, siblings, children, cousins etc., Now 20/20 vision is said to be perfect vision, well 2020 has put perfect our sights on that cousin that chews with his mouth open. That wife that passes gas when your normally at work. That husband that as of late has become an incessant whiner! What to do with all of this closeness and yes, now dreaded 'family time'?!

Plow through people! Suck it up buttercup, their family. Yeah right! Get outta here with that. It's perfectly fine to express discontent, as long as it's respectful. Establish boundaries, moments throughout the day where there is silence, or at least quieted times throughout the day. There are people in our family that we simply have grown tired of. Nevertheless, we may have also lost that loved one of whom worried us to no end! We miss them and wish they could get excited when their favorite song comes on.

Also, that uncle that drank too much, we miss him as well. Many loved ones have succumb to this virus and yes, our family has been a source of our anxiety truth be told, but we still love them anyway.
WM #3

Wiseman #4

I believe it begins with me. It is important to wrap myself around my family. Not with mere physical arms, but with a high level of love, understanding and patience. We're recovering from a very critical period. We all have been affected. But love has to be the cornerstone of our weary overwhelming frustration with our family. We have to find those spaces where we relate to one another.

Take the time and get to know family beyond what you're use to. Find ways to smile and be blessed to have one another. Give energy that reflects the best of who you are to your family. Be like the children! They are the most creative human beings on the planet when they are bored in a tight space, they find a way to have fun and forget all familiar worries or problems. Be together in love! The feelings of laughter and fun extends your life and give you joy to the heart. Give that to your family. Signing off. WM #4


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