Wiseman  #1

There are segments of our youth within the urban and suburban areas, especially within American society, that appear to lack appreciation and respect for their voting rights. They don't recognize the sacrifices made by previous generations in efforts to secure the right to vote. Some older people may even feel that today's youth don't understand the power of voting. So they're not only ignorant and ungrateful, the youth are also impatient and undisciplined, with no respect for the voting process.

In my humble opinion, I believe the dissatisfaction, frustration and impatience supposedly within today's youth, is the same frustration and distrust secretly held within the hearts of their parents. Generations of the past have transferred their disdain for this political process to the children. It's in their blood, its in the subconsciousness of the grandparents, this hatred for the years of broken promises of politicians, and the youth have fed from those concealed beliefs and disappointments. From that urge to defy to rebel to resist to overthrow and to replace the broken system.

On the outside, previous generations respectfully exercise their right and civic duty to vote. On the outside they politely pretend to be optimistic, to have faith in the vision of some new politician, some supposed "savior" who'll finally give justice and balance to the underclass. But on the inside, they're simmering, seething with the intense desire for change. That level of intense desire for change and the rejection of the traditional, usual, or proper means to achieve it is evident in our youth. Their dissatisfaction and rebelliousness is necessary to advance society into a new level of existence.

Youth today, represent the answer to your innermost private prayers, and quite possibly the relief sought from years upon years of betrayal by political and judicial systems that have failed the so called poor. Defiant youth of this day and time, represent the change, hopes and dreams of the youth of yesteryear. Could they be a blessing in disguise?
WM #1

Wiseman #2

 I do not think it is the youth who lack the willingness to vote in today's society, I think it could be the elders (black men and women) who may have became discouraged in the process of voting because they have witnessed the generational unchanging of America. The youth in my opinion are out on the front lines when it comes to movements geared towards dismantling and destroying corrupted systems/institutions/ideologies of racism, sexism, prejudices, and mass incarceration. So I cannot see them not coming out to vote when they very well know that their vote is the essential key component in changing those systems, institutions, and ideologies.

I think it is easy for us to blame the low voting turnout on the youth, but in all fairness, as a 48 year old black man, I personally know many people my age and older who never votes. Their rationale is, "it just doesn't matter if I vote or not because the powers that be still will not act accordingly." As I have worked to change their minds, some are enlightened by data and facts and register to vote, but most others are cemented in their beliefs. These people whom I speak of do not even watch the news, so current events escapes them unless they are talked about in the circles they frequent.

But the youth, I am excited by their willingness to stand up and make a difference by protesting, marching and coming out to vote. I feel like at times they are not giving enough credit for the things they do sacrifice and make time for, so they may feel a little uninspired about certain things, but their overall courage and ambition is infectious for me because as an older brother, I find myself many times following their lead especially when their vision and insight is bringing forth progress and change.

I think we need to take notice of the power the youth has and embrace it, and stop being afraid of it. The elders have paved the way, made countless sacrifices for the youth to be able to stand in the very light that is shinning upon them, and now it is time for us to stand back and trust them with the reigns so they may inspired the next generation to be even more powerful than them. They are capable of changing the dynamics of our society, and we must be there to encourage them with our strength, knowledge and wisdom, and not our judgements, ridicule and disbelief. WM#2

 Wiseman #3

It's been said, truth be told, it's widely known that "young people don't vote!"

There are as many reasons as there are political strategists who claim to have "cracked" the code if you will, to this unfortunate reality. The main reason, at least in the United States is because many of our young people don't see themselves in government enough to "turn out" on election day. Local government at least the seats, county commissioner, city clerk etc. This is not to say there are no young people in local government. However, the case can be made that most that are were not backed percentage wise by their age group.

I was recently informed about the latest mayoral race in Detroit wherein, a friend of mine expressed dismay at the low turn out of the young. Most will rally, march, protest and disrupt, but not vote! Why? On election day the energy is low, the lines are seemingly forever and the process tedious and downright boring. This should not defer our young adults from participating in our basic civil duty, but it does, among other things.

When Barack Obama ran, on election day there was energy the likes of which were never felt up to that point, by young people. The same was said for his second term. The sad truth is that was exclusive to that candidate who for all intents and purposes had captured the curiosity and excitement, as well as the optimism of the young which made the old feel young again. This is not usual, or the norm! That, dare I say was a once in a lifetime "movement."

How do we get them to vote as much as they protest, rally, march etc., Encourage them to get old! I am kidding! However, as the young feel their way through life, let us energize them on every level, local, state and national. Let them see themselves as part and partial to the whole then we may see them be part and partial in ways that reflect the demographic of this country.
WM #3

WM #4

You have youth that are interested in voting, reason being for the youth that don't vote is because its the same storyline. They believe that it doesn't matter and they don't see how it will change their condition. If they are living in a impoverished community, they don't see any hope that will fulfill the needs of their conditions. We are in a climate that is essential for politicians to begin seeing the importance of getting the youth involved in voting opposed to keeping them ignorant to why they shouldn't vote.

The current political spectrum is laughable due to the infighting of shared parties and the disrespect to the opposing party that is often played out in the public. What kind of example is being laid by the so called political leaders for the youth? Now, there are a large number of youth that get out and vote because they understand the gravity of voting. But after speaking to some of the young adults that haven't voted, they explained that their disinterest in voting is based on their lack of trust for politicians. They believe they are disingenuous about who they are and their true intentions of working for the American people.

I also spoke to some that are excited about voting in the next election, they say that they want their vote to count. And, they are passionate about being a first time voter and regret neglecting to vote in the past. In addition to that, they also stated that they have witnessed enough nonsense this past year, and they want to back some serious candidates that cares about all people from every walk of life.

Let's educate our youth and motivate them to vote because they are our future leaders. Listen to them, we have a lot to learn if we will humble ourselves to hear what they have to say. Support them as they assist in choosing people (candidates) whose right in their hearts to lead.

May we all be blessed. Signing off: WM #4


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