
WHO CARES? I CARE! by Carlos King

I am currently in a level four prison in Michigan, where the inmate population consist of a 95 percentile of people ages twenty five or younger. Based on my first impression, these young people are lacking the desire to better themselves on a higher plane of existence. But maybe as I weed through the lot of them, I will encounter some that do. But as of yet, the mind set that I have seen so far isn't conducive to being ready to return back to society to be productive. Sadly to say, the only young person that I've met thus far that has any mental structure and reads to better himself is my cell mate, he seeks improvement and isn't afraid of the difficulty that goes into being more than the worst thing he's ever done so I will give everything to help him. So on an initial walk through, I wouldn't want any of these young people in my neighborhood in their current mind set, and that's saying a lot coming from me. Because I love building the minds of young people so

You're Being Set Up Part ll - Shawn Harris

If for whatever reason you’ve decided to live a life of violence and crime, please pay close attention to the names you’ll be called if and when you’re caught for violating the law: Home invader , car jacker , predator , offender , violator , and stalker . Here are more names which refer to international criminals: hijacker , illegal alien , insurgent , enemy combatant , suicide bomber , lone wolf assassin , and terror cell . These names render you a target. These names are “marks of death.” The local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies will kill you. The public, the people, and the citizens will call out for your death. They will turn their backs on you because they are afraid of you. Think about it. Who really wants to socialize, live around, or party with an “invader,” a “predator,” a “jacker,” a “violator,” or a “stalker?” Who really desires to be in a relationship with a “lone wolf assassin” or a “suicide bomber?” These names aren’t cool. These names are alien to our norm

Unlikely Place Of Love by Terrico Allen

Prison is an unlikely place to find love, so some people think. I'm sure little girls don't dream of growing up to be a woman to find her one true love with a man in prison? Is it possible for a woman to find such a love in the most unlikely place? Or do most people in society believe that a woman can't find the love of her life in prison? Is society the only place two hearts connect. Does love have more than just the physical components attached to it? Are there relationships in society between a man and woman that develops without the physical intimacy where they fall hard for one another? What's more beautiful than two people exploring the minds and hearts of one another and falling deeply in love? There's always judgment. When do we allow people to be free in their happiness? There are a lot of women who are and in love with the man they met in prison. Sometimes she can't enjoy the love because she's being judged & criticized for choosing a man in pr


You are being tricked, trained & taught, enticed, lured, encouraged & persuaded to call yourself a thug. To refer to yourself as a gorilla, goon, goblin, beast, an animal, nigga, a bad ass, nazi, hard head, skin head, a dog, hustler, pusher, a pimp, loco, looney, cut throat, ruthless, nightmare, mack, gangster, killer, jacker, murderer, gang banger, home invader, cold blooded, heavy hitter, monster, boogie man, rebel, maniac, psycho, grimey, hood, street, trash, rough neck, red neck, low life, savage. In your mind these names define how rough, tough, rugged & raw you are. To you, these names are beastlike. But they lack love & sophistication, intelligence & compassion. These names make you a target. YOU'RE BEING SET UP. Nobody cares for the monster when he lies bleeding in the street. Nobody cares for the bloody beast lying dead on the curb. It's just roadkill. YOU'RE BEING SET UP! Set up to be killed in crack houses. You're being set up to be massac

May Peace Be Unto You by Terrico Allen

It's 4:44 a.m. I'm laying here on this prison bunk thinking about Peace. The last couple of years have been rough for us with this Covid mess. It has nearly driven us out of our minds. People are living under a great level of distress. Along with other things that we are experiencing in our lives. I'm sure it's very difficult for a lot of us to find the spaces we need to have Peace. Trust me, I know. I live in close proximity to a lot of men where I'm not able to distance myself 6 feet. Not able to get away to collect myself. So it is important that I mentally separate myself to find Peace. Each day someone is experiencing something in here. There's assaultive behavior, grief, death mental illness, suicide, etc. All of these things disrupts the very core of your Peace. How is it even possible to find Peace. I used to be so angry about everything. I would be upset if a leaf had fallen from a tree. Yeah I know, insane right? My foolish self thought I had justifica

DON'T GET STUCK You'll Be The Only One Keeping It Real Part 2 By Shawn Harris

Don't get "STUCK" being in prison is getting STUCK. It's like quicksand. STUCK. I've been stuck for over 9490 days, that's 26 years in on a life sentence. STUCK! Standing still, STUCK. And if you come here you'll be STUCK too. But your girl will move on to the next street figure wit drip. She will move on. Your bros will move on. You will stand still, STUCK, frozen in time and the world keeps spinning & moving. Moms will move on. Sisters move on. Kids & friends grow up & move on. Styles change & move on, new drip, new whips, bikes & trucks, but dudes in prison remain STUCK. This ain’t for you. Stay free. Don't play FREEZE TAG with the police, with the courts, with youth homes, with placement centers, parole & probation officers. Because if they TAG YOU WITH A CRIMINAL CASE, you"ll be STUCK in here locked down forever. No guns & video games. No money, Air Jordans & Designer Jeans. Life is over. Don't get STUCK. S

Walk in someone else's shoes - By Terrico Allen

As I reflect on the day I entered prison. The reality of being sentenced to death hit me immediately. I surveyed the surroundings and realized this would be my exisitence until death calls me. I begun thinking, am I this awful to have my life taken from me. Then in an instant I begun thinking of the young man's life whom I was convicted for. Was his life worthy, did he deserved to die, did his family deserved to have their lives turned upside down to be broken and hurt from losing their loved one. His parents didn't give birth to him for his life to be taken from him over something senseless and selfish. His entire family and community was rocked because of this tragedy. Most men in prison focus on the sentence they were issued. We think about how much we miss our families, lifestyles or what decisions we should have made prior to committing our crimes. We don't think about how many lives we destroyed. We're thinking about how we can get out of prison by seeking relief