DEMEL X DUKES - Wiseman # 3

 Demel x. Dukes is a 43yr. old father, brother, son, nephew, and friend. He was convicted as an aider and abettor of felony murder, and sentenced to life without parole. He was found not guilty of having a gun and was not the actual shooter. Since his incarceration(over two decades) he has created and facilitated several self help classes. He has also helped several men obtain their freedom and is a ardent advocate for sentencing reform and the overall Reformation of people who are more than the worst things they have ever done. please take notice of his certificates and accomplishments as they serve as a testament of his COMPAS score's wherein they show a low probability of violence and a unlikelyhood of reoffending.

There is nothing more sobering than a death sentence that is not justified, Demel is worthy of redemption and deserves a chance as a adult in society.

Certificate of completion "Compassion and Empathy" course 2018
Certificate of completion "Personal enrichment and parole readiness" 2018
Certificate of completion "Parole/Commutation" 2018
Certification of recognition "Inside-out prison exchange program" 2010


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